Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals

'Tis the day of the new year and the season of accompanying resolutions.  
2013 was better for me and my family than 2012.  2012 was the year of emotional/mental/family stresses and problems galore.  2013 was hard, very hard, on our finances with the job loss of my husband.  This past fall, my sweet grandmother passed away, which left a big hole in my heart.  However, 2013 was, over all, less stressful. 

I look now to 2014 with a very optimistic hope for the many fabulous adventures awaiting us.  First on the list to do is a move to a new house (but just across the street) which will help out finances.  It also be a great opportunity for our jewelry business that we own.

Below is my list of resolutions from 2013.  The ones I didn't finish/accomplish will be my 2014 goals, for I still want to accomplish them.  The ones I did finish/accomplish I leave intact for today, but crossed off ---because I LOVE crossing things off a list.  

~ In bed by 9:30 - up by 6am (during the week)  ---Still need to work on this....though much, much better than before.
~ Treadmill 4x/week--- Still need to work on this one.  It was hit and miss during the year-- just a struggle for me.
~ Work on photo albums 2x/month ---  Still need to work on this one too.  My sweet husband has offered to help and we are going to do it for an hour or two on Sunday afternoons.
~ Find more ways to perform service for others --- we had fun with this one last year.  Highlights included paying for random people's food at restaurants, Secret Santa and meals/groceries brought to friends who need a little lift. I want to continue this one.
~ More gratitude in my heart --- Much better than before. . . . but this year I am going to focus on writing thank you notes in a more timely manner.
~ Cut back to part time work --- Still a goal.  Not sure how this one will work since my husband lost his job last summer.  So, I should add: Help husband find full time employment and then cut back to part time work.

~ Family Time each Sunday afternoon  -- we have done this most weeks.  So this year I want to add that we will have a formal lesson 2x/month.
~ Miss M plays outside the house 2x/week --- YEP! And, oh has it made a world of difference for Miss M being outside more often. 
~ Date night w/sweetie 2x/month----still need to work on this too. We have a hard time finding babysitters, so I will change it to find a group of people I can call on as babysitters then have date night 2x/month.
~ Christmas gifts all ready for wrapping by Thanksgiving.  (Usually I do this, but this year I was behind and it was too stressful for me with last minute gift buying.)  Done, done and done.  Well, ok, except for just a few things.  It was great to enjoy the season and not worry about crowds and finding the right gift under pressure.

~ Continue to work on being organized by following 52 weeks to an organized home ---Starting this up again.  With the upcoming move, everything now is in boxes.  I will need to organize our new home.
~ Redo kitchen YEP! We did it and it is gorgeous.  We are sad to leave our kitchen, but so excited for our new home.

~ Paint the downstairs  -- didn't get to this.  But this year, we want to paint the rooms in our new house.  And maybe new countertops and a new kitchen floor.... and .... and ..... there is always a project to be done in a house.
~ Try two new habits to be more 'green.'  --- Habit 1 -- use reusable bags for groceries -- it has been hit and miss.  I will work on improving. Habit 2 -- use a bleach alternative.  I have found a great recipe that I like. It just uses hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. Click here for the recipe.
~ Host another community garden -- didn't get to this.  And this year, our new home doesn't have a big enough space to host a community garden, so we will just have a small family garden.
~ get ride of (donate/sell/throw out) 50 boxes of stuff   YEP!! I did this. + + Plus some + +  With our upcoming move, we have donated/sold and threw out a lot more than planned.  YEA FOR ME!!
~ I want to add another goal and that is to purchase more items locally--food, gifts and services among them. 

~ Pay off medical bill  -- we are close, oh so ever close. This will be this year's goal, though I expect it to be paid off in a few month.  HALLELUJAH!! And then we, other than our mortgage, we will be debt free.
~ Increase monthly savings amounts for retirement & emergency funds  YEP! Even with the job loss of my husband, we were able to do this.  Most of our savings/retirement is taken out of our account automatically, so we can easily continue doing this.
~ Pay cash for our vacation to Colombia---- didn't get to this one either -- as in we didn't go to Colombia. Maybe this summer???

Here's to a fabulous 2014!!! 

What are your goals for the year?


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