Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Goals updated.

~ In bed by 9:30 - up by 6am (during the week)  -- Not so much this summer, buy hey, I can sleep in.  I know, I know, I know, that's not the point.  But. Well. It is what it is.  Besides, school is starting soon, so it's back to the habit.
~ Treadmill 4x/week -- I have been doing pretty good with this one. YAY!!
~ Work on photo albums 2x/month -- aggh!  Gotta get on this!
~ Find more ways to perform service for others -- this has been fun, and I am ever working on this.
~ More gratitude in my heart -- still working on this.
~ Cut back to part time work -- I thought I had this lined up, but the powers that be said no.  So now I am looking at other options.  In the mean time, my husband lost his job, so we need to find him a new job so I can look at going part time.

~ Family Time each Sunday afternoon -- We have been doing this about 2x/month. 
~ Miss M plays outside the house 2x/week  -- This has worked out better than I thought it would. And during the summer, she was outside nearly everyday.  Our summer mantra: the dirtier you are, the more fun you've had.
~ Date night w/sweetie 2x/month -- a little better.  It's happening every 4-6 weeks.  
~ Christmas gifts all ready for wrapping by Thanksgiving.  (Usually I do this, but this year I was behind and it was too stressful for me with last minute gift buying.)  -- I have started to get some gifts ready and am about half way done.  I hope to have it finished up by October.

~ Continue to work on being organized by following 52 weeks to an organized home  --aggh!!  Hard, hard, hard.
~ Redo kitchen  -- yep! Pictures will come when it is completely finished.
~ Paint the downstairs   -- we painted the kitchen and downstairs bath.  Not sure if we will get to the dining and living rooms.
~ Try two new habits to be more 'green.'  Habit 1 -- use reusable bags for groceries -- it has been hit and miss.  I need to prepare more so it will happen.  Habit 2 -- use a bleach alternative.  I have found a great recipe that I like. It just uses hydrogen perozide and lemon juice. Click here for the recipe.
~ Host another community garden -- This didn't happen this year.  There were too many other things going on.  We will try again next year. 
~ get ride of (donate/sell/throw out) 50 boxes of stuff -- We had a garage sale in June which helped to get rid of many items.  I have donated/sold/threw out about 25 boxes of items now. Half way done! YAY! 

~ Pay off medical bill -- little by little, bit by bit.  We are wanting to have it paid off by the end of the year.  This is coming along and we should have it paid off by October.
~ Increase monthly savings amounts for retirement & emergency funds -- Yes! Yes! and Yes!
~ Pay cash for our vacation to Colombia -- due to my husband's job loss, this has been tabled for later. Perhaps next year.

And, achieving goals, my friends, is 


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