Monday, February 18, 2013

update on resolutions

It's been almost two months into 2013.  Here is an update on my resolutions:

~ In bed by 9:30 - up by 6am (during the week)  -- I have been sick a lot, so going to bed early has happened a lot.  Getting up early, not so much.
~ Treadmill 4x/week -- hasn't happened (see above) but now I am feeling much better, so I will start it up again.
~ Work on photo albums 2x/month -- nope.  Gotta get on this!
 Find more ways to perform service for others -- this has been fun:. I have taken in a few meals to friends, paid annomiously for a random's couple's meal at a restaurant, helped out with a project for daughter's teacher.
~ More gratitude in my heart -- still working on this.
~ Cut back to part time work -- I thought I had this lined up, but the powers that be said no.  So now I am looking at other options.

~ Family Time each Sunday afternoon -- We have been doing this about 2x/month. 
~ Miss M plays outside the house 2x/week  -- This has worked out better than I thought it would.
~ Date night w/sweetie 2x/month -- nope. Gotta get on this!
~ Christmas gifts all ready for wrapping by Thanksgiving.  (Usually I do this, but this year I was behind and it was too stressful for me with last minute gift buying.)  -- I have started to get some gifts ready.  I think it will happen this year.

~ Continue to work on being organized by following 52 weeks to an organized home  -- nope. Gotta get on this! Now that I am feeling better, I will have the strength to get back to it.
~ Redo kitchen  -- not yet-- maybe this summer
~ Paint the downstairs   -- not yet-- maybe this summer
~ Try two new habits to be more 'green.'  Habit 1 -- use reusable bags for groceries -- it has been hit and miss.  I need to prepare more so it will happen--Habit 2 -- haven't thought of it yet.
~ Host another community garden -- we are getting friends signed up.  This is a fun tradition of ours!
~ get ride of (donate/sell/throw out) 50 boxes of stuff --I have packed up about 5 boxes of stuff for a summer garage sale.

~ Pay off medical bill -- little by little, bit by bit.  We are wanting to have it paid off by the end of the year.
~ Increase monthly savings amounts for retirement & emergency funds --we have increased our saving account deposits, but haven't increased our retirement accounts yet.
~ Pay cash for our vacation to Colombia --saving for this!

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